Portsmouth Humane Society’s (PHS) Community Cat Program has received a $10,000 grant from Petco Love.
Last year, PHS took in 631 free roaming, found cats, over a hundred of which were found to be too unsocial for indoor homes. Just 21 of these were reclaimed by their owner.
“Not all cats you see outside are homeless or lost, and studies show that cats are likely to find their way safely home if we don’t get involved,” says Executive Director, Alison Fechino. “If you see a cat that is clearly sick or injured; however, that pet needs help.”
The shelter employs a specialized Animal Care Technician who community members can contact for guidance when they’re concerned about a cat with no visible owner. Rules regarding outdoor cats vary by location, so Fechino notes that residents who locate a cat outside of Portsmouth should contact that city’s shelter.
“Our program aims to prevent the unnecessary euthanasia of cats found outdoors by reducing shelter intake, reuniting lost pets with their families in the field, and securing barn placement for sheltered, unsocial cats.”
Barn homes have long been a solution for outdoor cats that aren’t suitable for indoor homes, but the
availability is limited. “That’s why preventing cats from entering the shelter at all is so important,” notes Fechino. “Our Community Cat Technician can help determine the next best step for a found outdoor cat and connect the finder with resources thanks to Petco Love.”
Portsmouth Humane Society, INC is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that serve Portsmouth, Virginia. The shelter offers a variety of pet ownership support services, including adoption, rehoming, temporary boarding, lost/found, and a pet pantry