Thomas Rhett Dad-Shamed After Posting New Photo of Daughter Ada James

Thomas Rhett faced criticism over the weekend after sharing this photo


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It appears to be a shot of himself sitting on what appears to be a private plane with his 1-year-old, Ada James, in his lap, Thomas buckled in with a seat belt and Ada James happily hanging out with her dad.

Some fans began leaving comments about the fact that Ada James was sitting on Rhett’s lap without a restraint.

“Tell me why you have a seatbelt on but she doesn’t,” one person mused.

“And if only the private jet with the shoulder belts had seats that a certified child safety seat could be secured in….,” remarked another.

“There are videos showing strong turbulence and jerks in an airplane and kids who were being held by parents went flying,” wrote a third. “Isn’t it best to have them buckled in their own car seat in their seat?”

Others came to his defense saying, “Stop being mean he’s a great father and Lauren is an amazing person and mother! You don’t know them!!!!”

one pointed out “People did ya think maybe they haven’t taken off yet?”

and one user commented “Omg AND shes wearing white after Labor Day too!!! Call children services!!!”

BTW: The FAA’s website notes that it strongly encourages parents to secure their young children in a child safety restraint system or device during flight rather than seat them on their lap.



