Kelly Clarkson Had the Best Response to Being Mistaken for a Seat Filler at 2019 ACM Awards

In case you didn’t know, at big time award shows people are hired to be “seat fillers.” So when the stars are up on stage performing (or heck even going to the bathroom) the seats don’t look empty when they pan to the audience.

But one star was mistaken for a seat filler…Kelly Clarkson

Kelly posted the hilarious moment on Twitter saying

The greatest thing by far that happened to me tonight was being asked to move because some guy thought I was a seat filler at the ACM’s tonight 🤣😂 #CantWinEmAll 💁🏼‍♀️ literally, it made my night because he was so serious, and I just politely said no hahaha!!

I mean did they not see this performance Kelly did with Jason?

Or this with Dan + Shay



