Sometimes you only get one shot. That’s it. One chance to make a fabulous impression in those social media photos. Nope…not 144 selfies and that you can pick and choose. Just one. Like that coveted meet and greet pic that you’ve been thinking about all day. You’ve practiced the pose, you know which side is your best side, you’ve made a quick trip to the ladies room to touch up the makeup. You’re ready!
But sometimes your best efforts still end up….
And that’s why I still consider this one POST-WORTHY!
First, there’s Jay DeMarcus’ profile shadowing my face. Then, my arms firmly squished by my side because it was 97.3 degrees and my pits showed every bit of it. (Thanks for pointing that out, Carly!) Finally, the poor guy in the corner trying so hard not to be in the pic…just made this my FAVORITE meet & greet photo EVER! 😂 – KW