There’s a Tiger on the loose in Houston, Texas. Yes, you heard right, Tiger! ~ CASH {Watch}

Hey, what’s that in the yard? Looks like a Tiger. A Tiger!?!?

That’s what happened in some neighborhoods in Texas. What is it with people thinking they need to own wild animals? Better yet, why isn’t it illegal? I don’t get it!?!? You can get in trouble for a lot of stupid things in America, but you can own a pet tiger. You’ve entered, “The Twilight Zone.”

This story gets more bizarre every minute. Quick update, the owner of the Tiger has been arrested and from what I understand the owner was out on bail for murdering someone. It’s complete insanity. For the full story, click here.

Watch all the morons get out of their cars and get real close to the Tiger. Whatdya nuts?


