Frank Has Been Waiting for a Home For Over Three Months; Can You Help Him Find One?

Furry Friday Follow-Up. This month I’ll be featuring 97.3 The Eagle “Furry Friday” pets that are still looking for their forever homes.

Frank is up for adoption at Portsmouth Humane Society and we first featured him back in September. He is a gentle soul who is good with other dogs, kids and anyone he meets.

He was brought to the shelter after being attacked by another dog but he didn’t fight back. He suffered some wounds in his face which are now healing. Frank was adopted but then brought back to the shelter again. This guy has been through a lot and just wants a forever home with someone he can give all his love to.

I took Frank out for a Paws Around P-Town in September and loved spending the day with him. He was laid back and super friendly. He just needs some training on a leash and someone to give him lots of love and encouragement. Visit Frank at Portsmouth Humane Society today.

Stephanie with Frank

