Here’s Exactly What Time to Get in Bed, Based on When You Need to Wake Up

Do you ever lay in bed at night trying to go to sleep and think to yourself “If I fall asleep right now, I’ll get 6 hours of sleep.”  Then you lie there another hour and tell yourself “ok now I’ll get 5 hours of sleep.”

Well, then this website is for you! Someone created an online calculator that tells you EXACTLY what time to go to bed, based on when you need to get up.

Everyone says you need seven to eight hours a night.  But it’s not really that simple, because we sleep in cycles that are around 90 minutes long.

You’re supposed to get through five or six of those cycles a night.  And if you wake up in the middle of one, you feel more sluggish.  So sometimes it’s better to wake up EARLIER, before a new cycle starts.

For example, if you need to get up at 7:00 tomorrow, you should get in bed at 9:46 . . . 11:16 . . . 12:46 . . . or 2:16 AM.

You can check it out at  Or there’s a similar website called



