Jason Aldean’s Wife Responds to Haters On Instagram {PIC}

Jason Aldean’s wife sent a message to the trolls on her Instagram page today sharing this:

♥️For those of you who follow me and are sweet and comment uplifting, positive things… I thank you. Y’all put a smile on my face, daily. We pay attention to more than you know! Y’all are awesome, really! This social media life can be a toxic thing.. that sometimes I’d love to end. But I know y’all love seeing our life and our little ones grow, and we thank you for that🙌🏼 I get awful comments every. single. day. that are rude and unnecessary… that I obviously don’t draw attention to bc, well, there’s not point in arguing with ignorance. So I’m posting a picture of how I feel every time anyone feels the need to troll my page. I will continue to smile, and block your ass. Happy Wednesday to all my cool followers! 😘😀✌🏼 To the others… there’s a lot of cactus out there that are in need of a hug🌵🌵🌵💋

Along with this picture- Peace out Haters!


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♥️For those of you who follow me and are sweet and comment uplifting, positive things… I thank you. Y’all put a smile on my face, daily. We pay attention to more than you know! Y’all are awesome, really! This social media life can be a toxic thing.. that sometimes I’d love to end. But I know y’all love seeing our life and our little ones grow, and we thank you for that🙌🏼 I get awful comments every. single. day. that are rude and unnecessary… that I obviously don’t draw attention to bc, well, there’s not point in arguing with ignorance. So I’m posting a picture of how I feel every time anyone feels the need to troll my page. I will continue to smile, and block your ass. Happy Wednesday to all my cool followers! 😘😀✌🏼 To the others… there’s a lot of cactus out there that are in need of a hug🌵🌵🌵💋

A post shared by Brittany Aldean (@brittanyaldean) on


