Are Cash & Carly as Pretty as Robert Pattinson? ~ CASH {Pictures}

Robert Pattinson was recently named the best looking guy in the world according to a new really hard math equation.

There’s a new app called, ‘Golden Ratio Face’ that you can download and upload a photo to get an idea of how good or bad you look. These usually don’t go over well. I remember the late 90s and early 2000s there was this crazy website you could go to, upload a photo of yourself, and be judged on how attractive you were. What a horrible idea! It was always nice to see your buddies upload a photo of you and see what people thought about your looks.


Carly had a score of, 8.35, Cash had a score of 8.38, and Jeff had a score of 8.60. The perfect score is 1.618…


