This is probably the sweetest thing you’ll see all day. And the officers didn’t even want to get credit for it! The police department was doing random body cam audits when they saw the good deed…and they posted it! And I’m so glad they did.
Two police officers near Atlanta saw a woman walking out in the cold. Officer Nick Bonney asked her if she wanted a ride and she graciously accepted. She was holding balloons because she was out getting supplies for her 1 year old daughter’s birthday party. During the conversation, she mentioned that she wanted to stop to get a cake for her.
Without hesitation, Officer Nick handed his partner his credit card and asked him to go in the store to get a cake to surprise the young mom.
And the officers even went to her home to wish the little girl a happy birthday!
Check out the video!
During a random audit of police body cam videos, a supervisor found this interaction (Jan. 10) between Sgt. Nick Boney, Ofc. Jimmy Wilson, and a woman whose daughter had just turned one. The woman was holding a bouquet of balloons trying to get home to her family on a cold night.
— Gwinnett County Police (@GwinnettPd) March 4, 2020
Thank you Officer Nick for helping to make this family’s day memorable! – KW