Hurricane Laura Blew Into Texas and Started Flipping RV’s. ~ CASH {Watch}

The wind blows a lot in Texas, even when there isn’t a hurricane.

I moved here from the Texas Panhandle and it was pretty often when a tanker would blow over driving on the interstate because winds are blowing 70 mph. I’m curious when folks were settling that part of the country many many years ago, which guy said, with the wind and the lack of rain, this will be a great spot to call home??? I’m not trying to slam the place, but I don’t get it? I’m telling you, I’ve had full-size mattresses show up in my backyard after a nice wind storm. Yes, a mattress!

What a crazy video. Here’s hoping that all the folks in Louisiana and Texas are doing ok after the storm rolled through. Check out the video below.

Here’s more video of Hurricane Laura ripping roofs off of casinos in Louisiana.


