Classic Holiday Commercials Get Revamped and I Kind of Like It! {WATCH} – Big Red
December 12, 2020
Classic holiday commercials are always some of my favorite parts about watching TV around the holidays. But a couple of the BEST commercials got a little change in this year (2020) and I absolutely LOVE IT!
One example is the Hershey Kiss commercial, where the set of kisses are mimicking bells, and at the end you get a big sigh of relief from one of the kisses who worked so hard on his ending finale…
And here’s the newest remake of the commercial…
… which shows a father and daughter using one of the bell playing kisses to make some peanut butter blossom cookies.
Speaking of Classic Commercials getting a change… Corona Extra decided to play off of their classic palm tree commercial with a glass and a “clear” twinkle… Let’s check out the original Corona Extra Commercial first…
And the newest commercial for Corona Seltzer…
I know for many change is a hard thing to adjust to… but I love how these companies are putting a classic feel on new commercials. Sometimes new is better, but sometimes classic is the way to go. Below are some of my favorite Holiday themed commercials from years past…