This “Most Bizarre Question Ever” From a Job Interview Is Going Viral

A woman named Beeta Golshani in Los Angelet tweeted out a picture of a question she got on an online job interview. She wrote, “This is definitely the most bizarre question I have ever seen on a job application.”

The question is,  “You’ve been given an elephant. You can’t give it away or sell it. What would you do with the elephant?”

We don’t know what the job was or how Beeta answered . . . but her tweet is going viral now and people are throwing in their own ideas.

One person said they once took a course on how to respond to interview questions and there’s actually a correct answer: “Open a business where you hire the elephant out for events.”

But others got more creative with answers like: “Unfortunately I can no longer work here, raising this elephant is my full-time job. We are going to travel from town to town solving mysteries” or “Give me the job or my elephant will sit on your car.”



