Lindsay Ell shared a painful update on Instagram this past weekend. She posted a pic from a doctor’s office saying, “When your Saturday becomes a little more eventful….. If a broken 🦴 xray grosses you out DONT SWIPE LEFT.”
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Later she joked that at least her nails were freshly done.
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But she didn’t tell fans what happened at the time. On the red carpet at Wednesay’s CMT Awards she told Entertainment Tonight that the accident occurred while chasing after her dog.
Lindsay said, “She got out of the bus, we left the bus door open and she just went plummeting out of it. Naturally, like any dog owner, [I ran] after her, but I was in socks.”
“I jumped from the top step of the bus onto the parking lot and I just landed wrong,” she added. “I broke it pretty good.”
“I just think that’s what life is about,” she continued “If we’ve learned anything from the last year and a half, it’s how to take lemons and turn them into lemonade.”
and hey, her cast matched her outfit at the awards show. We call that making the best of things for sure.
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and it looked like she is having a blast on her scooter.
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