Norfolk, Va. Beach, Chesapeake, Hampton and Newport News Named One of the Top 200 Cities for Country Music did their annual ranking of cities that are the best for country music fans.  It’s based on factors like the number of concert venues and country museums.

Unsurprisingly, Nashville, Tennessee came in at #1.  While no Hampton Roads cities made the Top 20, Norfolk ranked in the Top 200 coming in at #106, Hampton #119, Virginia Beach #126, Chesapeake #137 and Newport News #11.

Here are the Top 20:

1.  Nashville, Tennessee

2.  New York City, New York

3.  Salt Lake City, Utah

4.  Atlanta, Georgia

5.  Charleston, South Carolina

6.  Chicago, Illinois

7.  Austin, Texas

8.  Richmond, Virginia

9.  Eugene, Oregon

10.  Denver, Colorado.

11.  Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

12.  Grand Rapids, Michigan

13.  Seattle, Washington

14.  Portland, Oregon

15.  St. Louis, Missouri

16.  Knoxville, Tennessee

17.  Minneapolis, Minnesota

18.  Los Angeles, California

19.  Cincinnati, Ohio

20.  San Francisco, California

And ranked last at #182 is the city of Brownsville, Texas . . . it’s on the western Gulf Coast in South Texas near the Mexico border.


